Zenza Bronica also has a bit of a name (I always though highly of them, and I always wanted one), however the company no longer exists, for what that’s worth. Hasselblad has a great name, it is a very well-built piece of machinery, and (maybe this is important, maybe not) the company is still in existence today. And both work similarly, the Hasselblad with a mechanical shutter, and the Bronica with an electronic one. Both the 500 c/m and the SQ-Ai have leaf shutters in their lenses. But the EC line employed a focal plane shutter, and I wanted to compare 2 medium format bodies that had leaf shutters. Based solely upon the years they were produced, I could be comparing the Hasselblad to other Bronicas, like the EC-TL, for instance. So, why choose one over the other? I can list some of the features of each – and I can show you some of the photographs I can make with each – and you can get a better feel for which camera is right for you. I have seen other photographer’s work – photographers that use both Bronica and Hasselblad cameras, photographs that I think are beautiful works of art, made with both – so, I feel like either is capable of producing great photographs. These 2 cameras are very capable of taking any photograph that I would want to take – and, honestly, I’m not good enough to do anything that would push either of these cameras to their limits.

Buy the camera that you feel most comfortable with, and that you can use to successfully take the photographs that you want to take. If you’re going to ask that questions, I’ll give you my 2 cents worth of advice (and I’ve seen this advice on many forums). Then I’ll tell you how I like them, and which I’d rather take on a photo excursion (which you know I love to do).Īs far as the cameras – there are a plethora of threads on the internet asking, “Should I get a SQ-Ai or a 500 c/m?” and I’ve read through many of them. Both have their pros and cons, and there are people that love each… I’d like to compare them, for both technical features and qualities, as well as showing some photographs taken with each. These are 2 very popular 6×6 medium format film cameras.